Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tripodhis,Kukuvicka, and the Greek Seminar

Bill has taught the Greek Dance " Tripodhis" that he learned at the dance seminar we attended in Greece this past summer. Sue C. noticed that it sounded very similar to the Bulgarian dance we do "Kukuvicka ". You can listen to a version of "Kukuvicka" at .

The dance "Tripodhis" is done to the song "Bati kuritsia stu churo". Neither one could be found online. Sorry! If you find them, please let me know.

Anyone looking for a great dance vacation check out the 13th Annual Seminar with a great teacher Kyriakos Moididis! The 12th was fantastic!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Timber Ridge and beyond

Another great year at the Labor Day Camp at Timber Ridge. Dance, sing and play 'til you drop!!
Go to to see what you missed!

A big THANK YOU to Betsy and Jamie Platt!

I was able to start the third part of the BIRD Project, which is interviewing folk dancers about their experiences folk dancing. Thank you to all that participated.

Susan O. is teaching Pembe a Macedonian dance. The one on Youtube is near to the one that we dance.
There is also a Serbian dance of the same name but different music.

Please forward this blog to your dancing friends!
Happy Dancing!
Another Day, Another Dance