Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boris Karlov

Thank you again Susan J. for the following Folk Dance "Tidbit":

When people hear the name "Boris Karloff", they usually think of the English actor who took this as a stage name, and used it in his roles in horror movies.

But the REAL Boris Karlov was an accomplished Bulgarian accordianist, who recorded a lot of wonderful music on the Bulgarian record label HORO (this means "circle dance", and in Cyrillic is looks like XOPO.) See this entry for information on this musician:

Some of his tunes are regulars on the folk-dance circuit. You can check out YouTube to listen to some of these.
1. Obedjansko Horo
2. Vrabniska Racenica
3. Sitno Horo
4. Racenica
5. Bre Blagatka
6. Makedonsko Horo
7. Dajcovo Horo (1A)
8. Sofijsko Sopsko Horo
9. Gankino Horo (1)
10. Kjustendilsko Horo
11. Severnjaska Racenica
12. Gankino Horo (2)
13. Trakijsko Horo (A)
14. Trakijska Racenica
15. Gankino Horo (3)
16. Dajcovo Horo (2)
17. Plovdivsko Horo
18. Dajcovo Horo (3)
19. Gankino Horo (4)

Keep on dancing!
Share this site with your dancing friends.

Another Day, Another Dance!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I was reading your blog posts. I wrote something on Boris Karlov nearly two years ago. Many of the tunes that we use at dance are recordings of his; despite the fact he passed on nearly 50 years ago, they are still popular. You may find this of interest:
