Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cije e Ona Mome

Susan O. taught Cije e Ona Mome a Macedonian Dance last week. We didn't dance this week due to the weather!

Over the week end the 4-H group, Global Explorers, did a demostration at the annual "Share the Fun" talent event. They did a great job! It really is easier partnering with an established group. I don't have to do it all! We just show up, practice and perform!

Please pass this on!

Happy Dancing!
Another Day, Another Dance!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning the Names of the Dances

Welcome Erin! a new addition to the group and welcome back Virginia! It's always great to see new faces and old friends.

What's the name of the dance that goes like this?(Person then does a few steps, maybe hums a few bars, or waves arms in a meaningful way, or all of the above) Has this question ever come up in your dance circle?

How can one request a dance if they don't know the name? This was a topic of discussion at our last meeting. The only way a person learns a new language is repetition. The teachers need to have the people learning the dance repeat it several times during the teaching of the dance. Also, if it is written down, repeat the name while showing the spelling. It also helps to break the name of the dance down by syllables if the name is very long. This sounds a little elementary; but it is the best way to help newcomers(and us seasoned vets) remember the names of the dances.

The dances taught were: Hora Mare, Romanian this video is the way it was taught last night, but I have also danced it similar to the following video

Hora Batraneasc, Romanian
and Oh! a novelty dance from the USA. I couldn't find a video or music for this one.
Did you know that there is a town(city) called Novelty? There is at least one in Ohio!

Well keep on dancing!
Another Day, Another Dance!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year and Still Dancing!

We welcomed the New Year with two new additions to our group -- David and Virginia!

Even though I've been a slacker the last two months, we have continued to dance every Wednesday. Some of the dances that we have learned are Koledarsko Horo and Sadi Moma. No videos have been found of them on the internet.

Bill spoiled us at the end of the year with all of the goodies he made--gibanica, baklava, Romanian chocolate nut bread, and last but not least bagels. Rumor has it that he has been made an honorary Jew due to his bagel making skills!

Keep on Dancing!

Another Day, Another Dance!